söndag, september 30, 2007

Jord under naglarna

...och jag tänker inte prata med er om det. 13 främlingar i en liten ask. Nej. Inte den här gången.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

En trillade av bara 12 var kvar.

Anonym sa...

Ten little niggers was going out to dine, one choke his little self and then there were nine
Nine little niggers sat up very late, one overslept and then there were eight
Eight little niggers, traveling in Devon - one said "I'll stay", and then there were seven
Seven little niggers chopping up sticks, one choppes himself in halves and then there were six
Six little niggers playing with a hive, a bumbelbee stung one and then there were five
Five little niggers was going in for law, one got chancery and then there were four
Four little niggers looked at the sea, a red herring swallowed one and then there were three
Three little niggers was playing at the zoo, a big bear hugged one and then there were two
Two little niggers, sitting in the sun - one got frizzled up and then there were one
One little nigger boy, all others gone - he went hanged himself, and then there were none

P. sa...

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